20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump

Lidl  20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump

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20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump
Offer from
Offers time
Period of time 2023-08-17 to 2023-08-23
Week 33-34 Ended offer

Compressor pressure: 10.3 bar / 150psiAir flow of air pump: approx. 380L/minIdeal for bicycle tyres and inflatable toys or sports items20V Battery and Charger required - both sold separatelyEasy to use thanks to the clearly laid out control panel with instructions

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# Image Market, Product, Amount Date Price
1 20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump 34.99 € Lidl, 20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump, Compressor pressure: 10.3 bar / 150psiAir flow ..., 2022-10-13 34.99
2 20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump 29.99 € Lidl, 20V Cordless Compressor < Air Pump, Compressor pressure: 10.3 bar / 150psiAir flow ..., 2023-08-17 29.99
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Max. water flow rate: 700ml/minEvenly apply paint to smooth and textured surfacesVolume...
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This offer was indexed on 2023-08-13 from www.lidl.ie.
Please note that this offer might only be available regionally. The detailed informations are available on the homepage of Lidl
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