ERNESTO Cookware Set
ERNESTO Cookware Set
Offer from
High-quality set made from stainless steel energy-saving capsule- sandwich base with even and fast heat distribution suitable for all hob types including induction Base thickness: approx. 5.5mm Glass lid with practical put-aside function Contents: 1L saucepan 16cm, 1.5L Casserole pot 16cm, 3L Vegetable pot 20cm, 5L Meat pot 24cm
Price compare and price history for the offer ERNESTO Cookware Set at Lidl and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Lidl, ERNESTO Cookware Set, High-quality set made from stainless steel ener..., per set | 2017-07-22 | € 59.99 | |
2 | Lidl, ERNESTO Cookware Set, Choose from 2 different styles - Glass Lid or S..., per set | 2017-10-15 | € 69.99 |
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ERNESTO Cookware Set per set for 59.99 €
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