ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades
ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades
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Choose from 12 different sizes Low-friction coating Quiet wiping with flexible rubber backing Minimal wind noise with integrated spoiler and reduced air-flow contact area 2 piece set
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ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades for 12.99 €
This offer was indexed on 2017-09-24 from www.lidl.ie.When is ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades in Lidl available? ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades ist available from to at Lidl!
What does ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades cost at Lidl? You get ULTIMATE SPEED Flat Spoiler Windscreen Wiper Blades at Lidl at the price of 12.99 €!
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