PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill
PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill
Offer from
2-fold belt drive with 9 adjustable drilling speeds Height-adjustable Drilling table angle-adjustable on both sides with graduated scale SPECIFICATIONS Consumption power 500W (S2 15 mins) Speed 500-2500 rpm Spindle travel 0-50mm Chuck B16 (1.5-16mm) Drilling table angle -45° to +45° Power cable length 3m
Price compare and price history for the offer PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill at Lidl and other markets
# | Image | Market, Product, Amount | Date | Price |
1 | Lidl, PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill, Low-vibration belt transmission with 5 preset d..., per item | 2016-02-04 | € 79.99 | |
2 | Lidl, PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill, For drilling precise holes in wood, metal and p..., per set | 2017-02-16 | € 79.99 | |
3 | Lidl, PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill, For drilling precise holes in wood, metal and p..., each | 2017-02-16 | € 79.99 | |
4 | Lidl, PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill, 2-fold belt drive with 9 adjustable drilling sp..., | 2018-01-28 | € 79.99 | |
5 | Lidl, PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill, Choose from 4 different styles 1m Multi-Purpose..., per set | 2018-01-28 | € 6.99 |
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PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill for 79.99 €
This offer was indexed on 2018-01-28 from is PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill in Lidl available? PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill ist available from to at Lidl!
What does PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill cost at Lidl? You get PARKSIDE® 500W Bench Pillar Drill at Lidl at the price of 79.99 €!
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